Synopsis of Okavango directed by Dereck & Beverly Joubert:
Drawing on Dante’s “Divine Comedy”, the story is told as a journey from Purgatory into Paradise, a quest for truth, for the soul of this river, the Okavango in Botswana, seeing those who use her, as well as those who are victim to the changes she brings, used by her. Floods rise up and transport trillions of liters of water, and yet, each droplet makes a difference. There are characters like Feeketsa, a wounded lioness that makes it against all odds and becomes a kind of talisman for the tale, a symbol of hope through hardship. The film is like looking through windows into stories and then moving on, until we reveal that each story binds us to the next, and to the river herself. It is also a symbol of hope against a backdrop of climate change that threatens every pristine landscape in the world.
Dereck & Beverly Joubert, are award-winning filmmakers, conservationists and National Geographic Explorers at Large who have been filming, researching and exploring Africa for over 40 years. Through their film company, ‘Wildlife Films‘, they have created over 35 films and received 8 Emmy awards. The films predominantly focus on Africa’s wildlife, with strong conservation messages at their core.
The Great Plains Foundation is an organization with a mission to conserve and expand natural habitats in Africa through innovative conservation initiatives with a long-term commitment to the environment, wildlife, and local communities. The Foundation works to realize this mission through conservation and community initiatives, and wildlife and environmental stewardship in Africa. All of the Great Plains Foundation activities are supported by charitable and in-kind donations.
Okavango Screening & In Conversation with Great Plains Conservation
Date: Thursday, 29 Aug 2024
Time: 7pm - 10pm
Location: Blue Room, The Projector, Golden Mile
Livestream: No live stream will be provided due to copyright issues
This event is free-to-attend, but we do encourage contributions that will go towards supporting a conservation cause. For this event, we will be supporting The Great Plains Foundation in creating a brighter future for conservation. Also, if you enjoy Wild Conversations and would like to help us keep this going, we would appreciate any amount of contribution.
This event is supported by the SG Eco Fund.